Telecare on the Move

The aim of the Telecare on the Move service is to provide people with dementia the right to achieve the highest quality of life with the least restrictions placed on their personal liberties. This service thus encourages people with dementia over 60 years of age to continue living in their own home and in the community.


Active Ageing and Community Care will provide a free of charge device which will be connected to a 24-hour call centre and will operate even outdoors. This device will provide assistance to the elderly since it has several functions, namely:

  • Two-way communication with relatives or a call centre
  • Works anywhere in Malta and Gozo
  • Detects if the client falls
  • 3-10 day battery life

This device is especially important for persons with dementia who live in the community. People with dementia can have difficulties orienting themselves and this can potentially lead to situations where a person could get lost. Such situations are very distressing to the person with dementia and their family members. Through such a device, Active Ageing and Community Care aim to provide peace of mind to family members while promoting independence in the community among people with dementia.


General eligibility criteria:

  • Senior citizens over 60 years of age who are diagnosed with dementia and are at risk of wandering behaviours.


General documentation:

  • Medical report signed by a General Practitioner. 
  • Copy of a valid Pink Form issued by the Department of Social Security, if available.

This service is against payment:
Scheme A: Those who are in possession of a valid Pink Form issued by the Department of Social Security, and Senior Citizens over 80 years of age will benefit from a free service and device following an assessment by the Dementia Intervention Team.

Scheme B: Those who are not in possession of a valid Pink form issued by the Department of Social Security must pay a monthly fee of €4.99 (excluding VAT) and benefit from a free device following an assessment by the Dementia Intervention Team. The payment must be pre-paid 3 months in advance.

If you wish to download and fill in this application, please follow this link

If you have any suggestions, recommendations and complaints, kindly get in touch