The Dementia Practice Nurse

Dementia is one of the most important social and public health challenges affecting the Maltese society. The world is experiencing an increase in the number of persons aged 60 years and over. In view of this SVP invested in the dementia practice nurse.


  • The dementia practice nurse takes on a specialist role in the care, treatment and support of individuals with dementia (IWD), their caregivers and families.
  • Support nursing colleagues and others in delivering high quality, safe care in SVP
  • Teaching/ Training/ Supervision

Specialised Dementia Wards

Presently at SVP there are six wards catering for IWD.

A dementia friendly environment is proven to minimize disorientation, difficult behaviours and anxiety in IWD who reside in long-term care facilities.

All direct staff assigned to the dementia friendly wards shall be specially trained to work with the residents of the unit. An accredit course ‘LAS 1102 – Dementia Care Practice’ is provided in-house to all SVP staff.

Dementia Day Centre

The aim is to meet the ageing population’s needs. It offers an activity programme for IWD who are still in the community, as well as respite service for their informal caregivers. Qualified and experienced staff at the dementia center offer the dementia Helpline service 1771, (national line), 24/7.

Community Services

As part of an outreach programme by St. Vincent de Paul Long-stay Care Facility, a number of services are being opened to the local community and persons over the age of 65 years. Such services include the Physiotherapy and Occupational therapy Units which have provided rehabilitation assessments and services for about 1,649 clients and the Vascular Clinic which provided a service to about 1,200 clients on an out-patient basis.

Pre-admission Clinics

At the pre-admission clinics older persons requesting admission to long term care are assessed prior to their admission to long-term care by Geriatricians. These assessments aim to ensure a suitable and appropriate allocation of service while identifying actual problems being faced by client and carers and addressing them more appropriately.

Night Shelter

This Unit provides for fully independent elderly who are still living in the community but who need to feel secured during the night. The unit provides for free transportation to and from the Shelter from the areas located with the region. This Unit caters for both male and female elderly. Custodial care is provided by our staff in this Unit.

  • Day Clinic
  • Dementia Day Centre
  • Dental
  • Physio