Other Community Services

Our mission is to deliver Community Care and Services that meet the needs of the public. To find out if you, or a family member, might be eligible to any of the community care and services, kindly see the information on this page. The information provided is related to community care and services administered by Active Ageing and Community Care

Active Ageing Centres

These centres offer opportunities for older adults to remain physically, mentally and socially active whilst encouraging elders to meet people their age

Carer at Home Scheme

Through this scheme, the Government provides financial support to senior citizens who employ a carer of their choice so as to assist them in their daily needs

Continence Service

This service aims to alleviate the psychological problems to which a person may encounter due to bladder or bowel symptom problems resulting from incontinence

Handyman Service

The Handyman Service aims to provide assistance to senior citizens and persons with special needs so that they can live as independently as possible in their own home

Home Help Service

The aim of the Home Help Service is to support beneficiaries to keep on living in their community independently and as long as possible. It also aims to provide support for informal carers

Meals on Wheels​

The aim of the Meals on Wheels service is to support senior citizens and other persons who are still living in their own home but are unable to prepare a meal

Night Shelter

The aim of the Night Shelter service is to offer shelter during the night to senior citizens who live alone and who, for various reasons, may feel insecure in their home. A number of night shelters are offered in Malta and Gozo

Silver T Service

The Silver T Service consists of providing local transport for older persons to conduct their day to day errands within the community, without having to depend on their families, relatives and friends


This service is to provide a peace of mind to all senior citizens, their carers and relatives when assistance is required at the senior citizen’s home

Telecare on the Move

The aim of the Telecare on the Move service is to provide people with dementia the right to achieve the highest quality of life with the least restrictions placed on their personal liberties

Telephone Rent Re​bate​

The aim of the Telephone Rent Rebate service is to provide a bi-monthly discounted rental charge on an applicant’s residence home line. This is only intended for senior citizens with GO plc

This information is intended for general guidance only and should not be treated as a complete and authoritative statement of the law. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information is correct at the date shown. The information is presented in gender inclusive language. However, reference to a particular gender is used where it is, or is felt to be, more appropriate.​​