Services for the elderly provided by other entities

Initiative in favour of elderly people to provide a centralised online space from where to access other services for the elderly, that are provided, supported and managed by other entities

Dementia Care at Home

Course intended for family caregivers, relatives and friends of persons with dementia. Service is provided by St Vincent De Paul Long Term Care Facility Tel: 22912485 / 2473

Guardianship Board

Office of the Guardianship Board in Malta with details about Maltese Guardianship Legislation and gives information about the application process. Service provided by the Office of the Guardianship Board within the Ministry for Inclusion and the Voluntary Sector. Tel:25903154/51/52

This information is intended for general guidance only and should not be treated as a complete and authoritative statement of the law. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information is correct at the date shown. The information is presented in gender inclusive language. However, reference to a particular gender is used where it is, or is felt to be, more appropriate.​​

The services offered in this space is entirely the responsibility of the respective entity. Any queries and/or issues should be dealt directly with the entity offering the service. Active Ageing and Community Care is not responsible for the service provided in this page.