Customer Care
The Customer Care Unit is situated on the right side on entering the main gate of St Vincent de Paul Long Term Care Facility, at ground floor level.
The SVP Customer Care Unit is open from Monday to Sunday from 07:00hrs till 19:00 hrs.
We, at the Customer Care Unit do our best to meet our clients and/or their respective next of kin as soon as possible. Thus, an appointment for a welcome encounter with the Customer Care Unit is given to the client and/or the next of kin prior his/her admission to SVP. During these welcome encounters, clients are given a leaflet that includes information about the services provided at the facility, they are given a client`s charter of rights, and a full explanation about the facility. The Customer Care Officers also answer any questions that might arise and give other general information, which the clients may require. A small tour around SVP main areas is also offered during this encounter.
If you have any concerns about the care given at SVP, any particular requests or any suggestions, we are very pleased to hear about it.
You can visit the unit any time during the opening hours.
You can request an appointment with a Customer Care Officer.
You can contact us by phone on 22912372/3 or through our main calling system on 21224461.
You can contact us by e-mail on
You can contact us by mail on:
The Coordinator
Customer Care Unit
St Vincent de Paul Long Term Care Facility
Florence Nightingale Road