Community Clinical Services
Our mission is to deliver Community Care and Services that meet the needs of the public. To find out if you, or a family member, might be eligible to any of the community care and services, kindly see the information on this page. The information provided is related to community care and services administered by Active Ageing and Community Care
Community Geriatrician Services
This service aims to provide access to senior citizens that are homebound due to a physical health problem, obtain a comprehensive Geriatric Assessment
Community Psychogeriatric Consultation Service
This service aims to provide a psychiatric evaluation to the elders who are homebound due to physical or mental health problems
Dementia Activity Centres
These centres aims to provide a service to those persons suffering from dementia, helping to reduce caregiver stress, whilst offering therapy to those suffering from dementia
Dementia Intervention Team
The DIT Team provides a community-based service to persons with dementia and their caregivers. A holistic assessment of the caregivers’ and care recipients’ situation, is carried out in the home
Domiciliary Caring
This service aims to provide care at home. Provided by the CommCare Unit, this community based service is coordinated by the CommCare team and caters for the client’s needs in a personalised and holistic manner
Domiciliary Dietitian
The Domiciliary Dietitian Service is designed to assess, diagnose and treat diet and nutrition problems. This service aims to provide access to housebound senior citizens to obtain a comprehensive dietetic assessment
Domiciliary Nursing
This service aims to provide nursing at home. Provided by the CommCare Assessment Unit, this community based service is coordinated by the CommCare team and caters for the client’s needs in a personalised and holistic manner
Occupational Therapy Service
The Occupational Therapy Service is concerned with promoting health and well-being of a senior citizen through occupation. The main goal to achieve is to enhance their ability to engage in the occupations they want or need to, else by modifying the environment to better support their occupational engagement
Physiotherapy Service
The Physiotherapy Service is aimed at helping a senior citizen reach his maximum potential so as to enjoy independent living to the best possible level. The physiotherapist who forms part of a team of Allied Health Professionals, will provide therapy and rehabilitation advice/training to address any problems related to mobility
This service consists of the withdrawal of blood for blood investigation and transporting the blood samples to Pathology Department at Mater Dei Hospital for housebound senior citizens and persons with a disability
Podiatry Service
The Podiatry Service is designed to assess, diagnose and treat conditions of senior citizens, related to the foot and lower limb. The podiatrist offers a comprehensive range of footcare services
Psychotherapy helps people who have difficulties on an emotional and behavioural level. Through psychotherapy, the person can identify and change these emotions, thoughts, and behaviours with the aim of living a better quality of life
Respite at Home
The aim of the Respite at Home service is to provide temporary relief to the informal caregiver who is taking care of a senior citizen at home. The Respite at Home service will provide: companionship, socialisation or personal care
Residential Respite
The aim of the Residential Respite service is to provide planned short-term breaks for the informal caregivers of senior citizens who are dependent. A maximum of 3 weeks of care service in a Care Home
Social Work
The aim of this service is to provide psychological support, guidance and assistance to senior citizens. The aim is to empower clients in self-help process to enable them to build a positive attitude
Community General Practitioner Service
The aim of this service is to provide a holistic approach to the management of chronic disease to elderly clients who are homebound due to physical or mental health problems
This information is intended for general guidance only and should not be treated as a complete and authoritative statement of the law. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information is correct at the date shown. The information is presented in gender inclusive language. However, reference to a particular gender is used where it is, or is felt to be, more appropriate.