
This service consists of the withdrawal of blood for blood investigation and transporting the blood samples to Pathology Department at Mater Dei Hospital. The aim of this service is the provision of phlebotomy to housebound senior citizens and persons with a disability at their own home.


Blood tests of housebound service users will be taken by qualified staff free-of-charge. Once the service user is deemed as eligible, CommCare will schedule the visit accordingly so as to take the required blood sample/s. and transport them to the pathology laboratory at Mater Dei Hospital. This service operates from Monday to Saturdays from 7:30am till 11:30am.


General eligibility criteria:

  • All Maltese citizens and foreigners holding a Maltese ID number that are:
    • Housebound senior citizens over 60 years of age and/or have difficulty to leave their residence
    • Housebound persons with disability, holding a Special Identity card (SID-EU) issued by Agenzija Sapport and who have difficulty to leave their residence.


Blood investigations need to be ordered beforehand by a General Practitioner or any other medical doctor

Following order of blood tests by the General Practitioner, one may book this service over the phone by calling on 22788900.

Referrals can be done by General Practitioners, by professionals at acute and rehabilitation hospitals and Health Centres or other units.

If you have any suggestions, recommendations and complaints, kindly get in touch