Residential Respite
The aim of the Residential Respite service is to provide planned short-term breaks for the informal caregivers of senior citizens who are dependent.
A maximum of 63 days of care service in a Care Home for senior citizens. Informal caregivers may make use of this service 3 times a year.
General eligibility criteria:
- Senior citizens over 60 years of age, who live in a private residence and are dependent on their informal caregiver
- Priority is given to those senior citizens where, due to the absence of their informal caregivers, would find themselves at risk
- Other cases may be considered on their own merits
CommCare assesses and reviews each applicant and retains the authority to decline any inappropriate referrals. CommCare is responsible for the delivery and frequency of the service.
General documentation:
- A Medical Report signed by a doctor.
If you wish to download and fill in the application, please follow this link
If you have any suggestions, recommendations and complaints, kindly get in touch