Service of free Medical Tests for Conditions of the Ears, Nose and Throat (ENT) and Hearing Tests
The Service of free Medical Tests for Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Conditions and Hearing Tests will allow all elderly persons over 65 years to make free tests for conditions of the ears, nose and throat, while they will also be offered an examination in hearing.
The service of the ENT Clinic will be open twice a week.
The customer is registered for an appointment and will be provided with the first date available. The customer is informed by phone with the details of the appointment and will also receive a letter with all the information later on.
General eligibility criteria:
- The service will be available free of charge to all those elderly persons aged over 65 years
General documentaion:
- Referral from Medical Doctor
You can call for an appointment for the ENT Clinic at the Day Clinic on telephone number 22912271.
If you have any suggestions, recommendations and complaints, kindly get in touch