Carer at Home Scheme

The Carer at Home scheme aims to provide another service within the community. Through this scheme, the Government provides financial support to senior citizens who employ a carer of their choice so as to assist them in their daily needs. The Carer at Home scheme is being offered both in Malta and Gozo.


The beneficiary will receive up to a maximum of €8,500 per year, from when the application is approved. The benefit is paid on a monthly basis directly into a bank account indicated by the applicant.


General eligibility criteria:

  • Senior citizens over 60 years of age.
  • The carer must have a recognised. qualification. To this effect, the equivalence through the Malta Qualifications Recognition Information Centre (MQRIC) is required in respect of each qualification obtained from abroad and whenever deemed necessary by the Active Ageing and Community Care (AACC).
  • Each applicant is assessed so as to ensure that the benefit is given to those who really require the service.


General documentation:

  • Filled application form.
  • A Medical Report signed by the respective General Practitioner.
  • A copy of the carer’s qualification
  • A copy of the employment agreement authenticated by a Notary Public.
  • An official document from Jobsplus and Identita’ (for third country nationals) indicating that the carer is in regular employment with the applicant.

If you wish to download and fill in the application, please follow this link

If you have any suggestions, recommendations and complaints, kindly get in touch