Continence Service

The Continence Service aims to alleviate the psychological problems to which a person may encounter due to bladder or bowel symptom problems resulting from incontinence. The objective of this service is to provide financial support to those persons by partial or full subsidy of continence products.


Scheme A: Entitlement for a supply of fully subsidised products, as per table below (as per general practitioner’s subscription and assessment by the Continence Nurse).

Scheme B: Entitlement for a supply of partially subsidised products (as per general practitioner’s subscription and assessment by the Continence Nurse).


General eligibility criteria:

  • Scheme A: In possession of a valid Special Identity-EU (SID-EU) Card issued by Aġenzija Sapport and suffering from incontinence as certified by the applicant’s General Practitioner. Applicants have to be at least two (2) years of age.
  • Scheme B: A senior citizen over sixty (60) years of age and suffering from incontinence as certified by the applicant’s General Practitioner.


  • Filled application form including the medical report signed by the applicant’s General Practitioner. Click here to download the medical report
  • Copy of Special ID-EU Card for those applying for Scheme A

If you wish to download and fill in the application, please follow this link

If you have any suggestions, recommendations and complaints, kindly get in touch

ProductPrice per productProductPrice per product
Small Adult Diapers€0.16Small Adult Pull-Ups €0.20
Medium Adult Diapers€0.14Medium Adult Pull-Ups€0.20
Large Adult Diapers€0.20Large Adult Pull-Ups€0.23
Extra Large Adult Diapers€0.23Extra Large Adult Pull-Ups €0.24
Small Female Absorbent Pads€0.08Small Inco-Sheets 60x40€0.08
Large Female Absorbent Pads€0.11Large Inco-Sheets 60x90€0.13
Male Absorbent Pads€0.08
Should the applicant require to change or increase products, your General Practitioner must fill in the referral form. Click here to download referral form.

These products can be collected during the days and times indicated below. Please be reminded that the person collecting the supplies is to present the beneficiary’s Identity Card and the Entitlement Card.

Distribution Centres for Continence Products

Drugsales Limited
Idward Street
Ta' Qali National Park
Attard, ATD 4000

Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday:
between 10:00am and 4:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am to 12:30pm


Drugsales Limited
48, Mons. Dandria Street,

Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday
between 10:00am and 4:00pm


In case of any difficulties or queries contact can be made by telephone or email on:

Drugsales Limited
Telephone number: 21419045

Elderly Service Centre
Telephone number: 22788801 or 22788809