
The aim of the Telecare service is to provide peace of mind to senior citizens, their carers and relatives when assistance is required at the senior citizen’s home. This service thus encourages senior citizens to continue living in their own home and in the community.


Installation of Telecare set and pendent.


General eligibility criteria:

  • Senior citizens over 60 years of age
  • A person under 60 years of age who suffers from a serious illness
  • An applicant must have a fixed landline


General documentation:

  • Copy of a valid Pink form issued by the Department of Social Security or a copy of a valid Yellow Card issued by the Department of Health, proving that applicant is diabetic (if applicable)
  • Copy of Identity Card
  • Medical Report signed by a General Practitioner (if person is under sixty (60) years of age). 
  • Telecare Agreement

If you wish to download and fill in the application, please follow this link

This service is against payment:

  • €25 deposit is paid upon installation by technician, which is refundable if the set is returned and service is no longer required; and
  • €4 rent every month for the service

A senior citizen over sixty years of age who does not live with another person under sixty years of age in the same residence is exempt from the payment of €4 monthly rent if he/she is 80 years and over and/or if he/she is in possession of:

  •  a valid Pink form issued by the Department of Social Security; or
  • a valid Yellow Card issued by the Ministry for Health and Active Ageing proving that applicant is diabetic (schedule V or the SLH 145 form)

If you have any suggestions, recommendations and complaints, kindly get in touch